World e-Com Blog|EN
2021-12-15 21:17

10 Amazon product list design tips that drive sales.(Part 1)

It's no secret that Amazon is a huge marketplace, with hundreds of millions of shoppers browsing the site every month. All because Amazon has managed to create an incredibly sophisticated platform with a built-in loyal audience that is always ready to buy.
But whether you're a successful brand or a popular#nbsp;e-commerce seller, if customers can quickly find and review your products on Amazon, your company is sure to stand out in a sea of competition. By making the effort to clean and monitor your Amazon listings, you can proactively track your inventory, respond to problems, and provide superior customer service.
The Amazon List is a page with product information for each product sold on Amazon. The Amazon list usually includes relevant information about the product, such as name, description, price, photos, and reviews.
It's important for retailers to get their Amazon listings right, as it plays a big role in a customer's decision to buy or not. A well-optimized Amazon product list can help a product stand out from other similar products, build trust and increase

What should I include in my Amazon Product List?

Amazon product listings are made up of six key features or components: title, images, description, features, reviews and ratings. When used properly, these elements can help brands stand out significantly in Amazon's vibrant marketplace.

1. Product name

The product name is often the first thing a potential customer notices on your list, which is why it's so important that your title is well thought out to grab attention. Amazon allows up to 200 characters per title for most product categories, but 100 to 150 characters will probably be enough to provide the best way to interact with customers.

2. Product pictures

This may be the most obvious one, but your product images need to be of high quality if you hope to turn clicks into customers. The best Amazon sellers tend to include five to eight images in their listings, although six images seem to be a sufficient number that informs, rather than overwhelms, customers visiting your page.

3. product description

The best product descriptions combine creativity with keyword optimization to improve your rankings and increase conversions. These descriptions can have a huge impact on a customer's perception of your product(s) and can convince them why they should buy from your brand rather than follow what a competitor offers.

4. product features

Product functionality is usually displayed in the form of markers, which are much easier and easier to read than large blocks of text. Most stores stick to about five list items for each product to really hone in on its main attributes or assets. It's also recommended that you include unique elements that differentiate your product from similar sellers.

5. Product reviews

Since most online shoppers rely on user reviews, you need to get an honest opinion about your product's price, value, etc. When someone is interested in buying from your store, having reviews#nbsp; on products can be#nbsp; crucial to making a purchase.
To be continued...